More dusty roads and many villages.

Logging station.

Lunch rest stop at ITI. Purchased pineapple and coconut – really sweet. Here’s the gas station. Restrooms are behind the building in the background, 2nd banana tree on the right – really.

Finally, our first sign to Greenville. But don’t follow the sign the bridge is out. We took the detour through Unification City. Good job we had Bro. Bolkai with us.

We dropped by Bro Bolkai’s farm 23 miles outside of Greenville. This is his family, mostly grandchildren on his 300 acre farm. Notice the bat (swallow) house over his right shoulder.

Long day on the road.
Accommodation at Greenville. The room had AC

from 7pm to 7am. We are very grateful for AC.

Meeting with the saints in Greenville. No contact with the church for 8 years other than a few phone calls.