Sunday, September 27, 2015

Rainy Season

We are still in the "rainy season."  Which means it rains almost everyday.  Sometimes for days and days. We think it has rained more in the last 5 weeks that we have been here than it did the whole 18 months we were here before!   It doesn't rain "cats and dogs" or even "elephants and rhino's."  It has been raining "dinosaurs!"  I have never experienced such intense rain, even in Scotland.  It is like the heavens are pouring buckets of water down on us.  Maybe a better analogy is, it is like a dam broke in heaven!  We are told that the rainy season will be over October 17th.  How they know this I don't know.  We will wait and see.  Then we will move right into the "dry season" which means dry heat instead of wet heat.

We went to church in Harbel and Kakata today.  Of course it was raining.  In some areas the standing water was 6-8 inches deep. I saw a man trying to retrieve some things that were floating in the water on the side of the road.  He was standing in water up to his waist.  There are so many "pot holes" on the roads that when it rains you have to go really slow because you have no idea how big the hole really is when it is filled with water.  Sometimes the small taxi's will wait for us to go through first (we are in a 4 wheel drive truck) to judge if they can make it or not.

We went to the apartment complex where the new couples will be staying and in front of an apartment were these chairs.  Only in Liberia could they get away with this.  In America they would have to be removed or the owners would be sued!  I love these chairs!!!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Heading Home

Heading home from one of the apartments at dusk.


It is still rainy season (6 months, April thru October).  This year has been exceptionally wet with much flooding.   The rains are heavy tropical rains that can last for hours and sometimes days.  I have heard they can receive up to 700 inches of rain in a single rainy season.

Ebola Check Point

This is an Ebola check point just outside of Kakata.  The green barrel contains Clorox water to wash your hands and then they take your temperature at the shed.  Sister Hezseltine walking up the bank, left side of the picture.  Most of the check points are now closed.  This check point remains open and is on the main road that comes from Guinea.  Liberia was declared Ebola free again a couple of weeks ago.

First Aid

This sister fell and we suspect fractured her wrist.  This is her homemade splint.  It will work just as well as the one you and I would get from the emergency room.  The difference would be the price!


Pres. Harmon and Sister Hezseltine.  The families on either side of Pres. Harmon's home were lost to ebola.  He and his family are safe.


We have been here for one month I believe.  It has been so busy. We have opened up 10 apartments and now have 36 missionaries back in the country.  We will have another couple coming next month and a humanitarian couple coming in November.  It will be great to have the humanitarian work continue.  We still do not have a permanent residence for ourselves.  Now that we have housing for everyone else may be we will work on getting our housing taken care of.