Sunday, September 8, 2013

Look at that hip action!
Who would have thought?
What a good looking group!!


  1. Hi. My name is Lara, and I am Denney & Lorene Berrett's daughter. I love reading your blog. Thank you for posting those pictures and vidoes with my dad dancing. I loved seeing that so much. I know you are a huge help to my parents, and we are so thankful to you for that. Tell my parents hi and next time I want to see you and my mom dance :) Have a great day.

    1. Your parents are a delight. Thank you for sharing them with us. If you think the video was good you have seen it "live!" PRICELESS!!!!!

  2. I am Shawna Borg, another of the Berrett's daughters. These pictures and video made my day! Thank you! I know my parents are so grateful to have you there with them on their African adventure. Thanks for all you've already done for them.

    Wishing you all the best!

    1. Thanks for raising such good parents. We are having fun and we have just begun. Hopefully there will be more dancing!!
